
What Comes with the Olympics

Over 3 billion people around the world watched the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver last Friday. Millions each day are watching the athletes and their sports, cheering on their home country. My family began watching the opening ceremonies on TV when it was happening live and we eventually turned it off after a few minutes. For me, the thing that stood out the most was the excitement in the people over everything - the sports, the athletes, the fireworks, the medals, the speeches, the dancing, the singing, the decorations and masterpieces, and mostly the lighting of the torch.
When do we ever see excitement like that from people about the Lord. Could we honestly believe that if we told all those people in that stadium that the Lord was coming right then, would they have celebrated? If people knew Jesus was coming to earth, would they be rejoicing, celebrating, preparing, and talking about it month after month, and week after week? I don't think so. Our focus is always on self. It's all about our needs and our wants and our comfort and what gives us pleasure. Never on Christ and what He would want us to do. It's never about preferring others, sacrificing our own needs for others, laying down our lives for others, mainly Christ.
When Wayne Gretzky took the torch and drove through downtown Vancouver, I couldn't believe the people. They were ecstatic. They were, dare I say, worshipping him. He was the idol and people were running along side him, high-fiving him, screaming his name, gauking at him, and idolizing him. People have no idea how much they idolize man, objects, and themselves instead of the One who created them, gave them life and breath.
Take to heart these words and don't be discouraged. I myself struggle in these same areas and I'm always needing to remind myself who is more important, who deserves our all - the answer is always Christ! And it always will be.
Leviticus 19:4 says, "Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God."

So my encouragement to you is that during these Olympic weeks and after is to keep your focus on Christ and not make idols in your hearts with anyone or anything. Grow more and learn more in your relationship with Christ and press on towards the goal - eternal life with Christ in heaven, our true home.

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