
Ten Years...

Sunday, September 12, 2010 marked the 10 year anniversary of Valley Heights Community Church. My family and a couple other families church-planted VHCC in 2000 in a small elementary school near my home. My Dad had a vision and that vision has lead to ten blessed years of ministry for him and our family. This past Sunday, our church celebrated our 10 year anniversary at a camp, where we spent hours in fellowship, sharing a meal, worshipping God in song, prayer, and the reading of God's Word, and reflecting on past memories with our Valley Heights family. I can't thank my Lord and Saviour enough for His unconditional love and faithfulness and His continued blessing on us for these past ten years. A verse that has been such an encouragment to me lately has been Revelation 2:10b which says, "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." This is such an amazing promise from our God! I have been reflecting on it as our church has celebrated ten years of ministry and I pray that my Dad and the other elders of my church will continue to have a yearning for knowledge so that they will continue to have a yearning for God. I am so blessed by my heavenly Father and my earthly Father, and my love for them is great. I would ask you to pray for the elders of my church and to pray for the Lord's guidance and blessing as they proclaim the Word of God to the people. My church website if you would like to visit it is: valleyheights.ca

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